Prebec River Hydrological intervention | Chianocco (Turin, Italy)

Prebech River: hydrological intervention in the chasm, environmental protected area in Chianocco (Turin, Italy) Customer Bassa Val Susa Mountain Community Activities Preliminary and Final Design Site Supervision, Quantity Survey Control of worker’s safety on site Project ...

Torino 2006 | snow making systems

XX Olympic Winter Games “Torino 2006”: snow making systems (Clotes, Serra Granet – Colle Bercia, Sagnalonga areas). Turin (Italy) Customer Agency for the XX Olympic Winter Games “Turin 2006” Activities Preliminary and Final Design Site ...

Waste Water Treatment Plant | Oulx and Sauze d’Oulx (Turin, Italy)

Sewerage system and Waste Water Treatment Plant in Oulx and Sauze d’Oulx municipalities. Turin (Italy) Customer Oulx and Sauce d’Oulx municipalities Activities Final Design Site Supervision Control of worker’s safety on site Project cost Euro ...

Turin-Ceres railway: Caselle underground passage | Turin (Italy)

Turin-Ceres railway: Caselle urban area underground passage with station. Turin (Italy) Customer S.A.T.T.I. S.p.A. Prestazioni svolte Preliminary and Final Design Environmental Studies Site Supervision, Quantity Survey Control of worker’s safety on site Project cost Euro 24,0 ...